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Felicia Tang


Felicia Tang 茱麗亞學院鋼琴演奏學士、碩士。出生於台灣高雄,小時候經中華民國教育部甄選為「藝術表演資賦優異兒童」而後獲保送來美深造。

Felicia為多項音樂比賽大獎得主,並曾受邀與費城交響樂團,皇后交響樂團,蘭斯堂交響樂團,新苗舞蹈團等合作演出。Felicia曾接受電視媒體ABC News, CBS News, Vision, 報紙Courier Post, 世界日報等專提訪問報導,並曾於紐約林肯中心愛莉費雪廳,茱麗亞劇場,費城曼恩音樂中心,翠貝卡劇場,聯合國等著名演奏廳演出。Felicia曾為紐約The Renaissance Music and Arts School 負責人, The Piano School of NY擔任董事會成員,以及擔任紐約「中華鼓魂」鼓團副團長。

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Felicia Tang is a graduate of The Juilliard School with a B.M., M.M. in piano performance. From a young age, she was recognised by the Taiwan Ministry of Education as a “ Gifted Child in the Performing Arts”, and studied under Martin Canin and Katherine Parker at The Juilliard School. She has since won numerous music competitions and awards. Ms.Tang has performed with the Philadelphia Orchestra, Queens Symphony Orchestra, Lansdowne Symphony Orchestra, NyCCC Dance company, etc. She has also been profiled by various news channels including ABC News, CBS News, Television Show Vision, along with various newspapers such as Courier post, and World Journal. She has performed in several concert halls in the U.S such as Avery Fisher Hall, Lincoln Center, The Juilliard Theatre, Mann Music Center, Tribeca Theater, The United Nations, and more. Ms.Tang was the director at the Renaissance Music and Arts School in New York, the Vice Principal of The Drum Spirit of China, and the Board of Director at The Piano School of NY.

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