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黃凱盈 Kaiyin Huang


獲選為第 53 屆台灣十大傑出青年,畢業於茱莉亞音樂院、耶魯音樂院及紐約州立大學石溪分校取得學士、碩士與博士學位的鋼琴家黃凱盈,旅美期間曾登上紐約林肯中心及卡內基音樂廳。2013 年以出版《溫水裡的青蛙》一書,探討由世界貧富不均所引起的國際社會問題,自此透過在古典音樂領域的專業,於北非、中東、東南亞等地之發展中國家與衝突地區,參與並發起各項文化交流與人道關懷計畫,關注國際社會議題、投入青年教育、支持台灣音樂發展。

在東南亞,黃凱盈於 2014 年共同創辦緬甸音樂節,集結來自馬來西亞、泰國、新加坡、越南、韓國、瑞士、美國等地的音樂家,透過音樂演出與文化交流工作坊,在當地推動尊重文化多元的價值觀,至今已邁入第八屆,過去不僅受到緬甸名民主領袖翁山蘇姬的重視及參與,更曾與聯合國合作慶祝 70 週年成立。在中東,黃凱盈於2019 年受邀參與由黎巴嫩美國大學舉辦之《史特拉溫斯基:春之祭》演出,透過音樂與舞蹈的結合為阿拉伯女性倡議。在北非,黃凱盈長期參與於突尼西亞舉辦之Tunisa88 全國性音樂計畫,透過校園音樂巡迴為當地 585 所公立高中成立音樂社團,為民主革命成功後的突尼西亞培育下個世代的領袖。類似的計畫在台灣也同步進行著,自 2013 年開始 Taiwan88 以互動式音樂會走遍台灣各地,不但讓城市、偏鄉學生有機會欣賞到世界級的音樂表演,更透過工作坊鼓勵學生結合在地文化、打開音樂創作之門,至今累積超過 18 個縣市、145 所學校、4 萬位學生參與。

走訪世界各國的故事、來自台灣各地的靈感,黃凱盈於 2015 年成立凱樂思藝術,以演奏家兼策劃者的角色,推出一場又一場精彩的演出作品:2015 年《我的故鄉》系列音樂會,以音樂描繪新世代對故鄉的詮釋與情感;2018 年《時光的城門》,透過台灣民謠改編與排灣、布農原住民原創歌曲的結合,訴說台北的歷史與城市的展望;2019 年《未來 ING—遇見未來更好的自己》是一場結合古典與原創的跨界作品。此外,凱樂思藝術也擴大國際文化交流的規模:2017 年與《日本美術之最》展覽結合,舉辦超過萬人參與之《故宮南院湖畔音樂會》;2020 年與突尼西亞、敘利亞、黎巴嫩之學生所組成之合唱團及台北市民交響樂團合作,舉辦《有朋自遠方來》百人巡演,於土耳其、黎巴嫩等重要演奏廳演出。身為一位具有人道胸懷的鋼琴家,黃凱盈正透過音樂在人心間找到共鳴、觸動靈魂之善,並期待能感染更多人去珍惜最能夠讓世界產生正向改變的契機:希望、關壞與愛。

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Awarded as one of the Ten Outstanding Young Persons in Taiwan of 2015, pianist Kaiyin Huang received her Bachelor’s degree from the Julliard School, Master’s degree from the Yale School of Music and Doctoral Degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. While she was studying in New York City, she performed on many world-renowned stages including Alice Tully Hall at Lincoln Center and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. In 2013 she published her first book titled The Boiling Frog, an exploration of the macro-economic phenomenon and corporate social responsibility. Thereafter, she launched and participated in various humanitarian and social impact projects in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, while continuing to engage in youth education, following the most challenging social issues globally and supporting the musical development in Taiwan.

In Southeast Asia, Kaiyin co-founded the Myanmar Music Festival in 2014, which brought musicians from Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, South Korea, Switzerland and the United States together to promote cultural diversity through performances and cultural exchange workshops. Since then, the festival was held for eight consecutive years, celebrated the 70th anniversary together with the United Nations and received the high recognition and participation from Daw leader Aung San Suu Kyi, the most renowned democratic leader of Myanmar. In the Middle East, Kaiyin was invited by the Lebanese American University in 2019 to perform Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, which combined music and dance in an advocacy for the rights of the Arab women. In Northern Africa, Kaiyin is a long-term supporter of Tunisia88, a nationwide music program to create music clubs in all 585 public high schools in Tunisia with the goal to nurture the next-generation leaders for the newly democratized country after the Jasmine Revolution. Meanwhile, similar initiatives have also been also carried out in Taiwan. Since 2013, Taiwan88 has toured to different parts of the island with its interactive style of concerts, providing not only the opportunities for students in both urban and rural areas to appreciate world-class music performances, but also encouraging students to engage in the process of musical creation combined with the local culture. So far, Taiwan88 has accumulated an overall participation in excess of 40,000 students from 145 schools across 18 counties and cities.

With stories collected from different countries and inspirations obtained from different places in Taiwan, Kaiyin established Kairos Artsin 2015. Ever since then, Kaiyin has managed to present exciting performances one after the other both as a performer and a producer: in 2015, My Homeland concert series depicted the interpretations and emotions that the new generation have towards their home; in 2018, the Gate of Time told the history of Taipei and the prospects for the city via a combination of Taiwanese folk song arrangements and aboriginal songs created by the Paiwan and Bunon indigenous artists; in 2019, Future ING—an encounter with a better self from the future was a crossover production combining classical music with original compositions; in 2017, in conjunction with the Japanese Art at Its Finest, the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum Lakeside Concert attracted over ten thousand audiences; and in 2020, a choir consisting of students from Tunisia, Syria and Lebanon collaborated with the Taipei Civic Symphony Orchestra in Friends from Afar concert tour, bringing over a hundred musicians together performing in concert halls in Turkey and Lebanon.

As a pianist with a humanitarian heart, Kaiyin seeks to find resonance between people from different social and cultural backgrounds. She hopes to inspire more people to cherish the best possibilities for positive changes in the world with hope, care and love.

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