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鄭皓元 Howard Cheng


他是⼀位極具有天分並且具有⾼超演奏實⼒的中提琴家」著名中提琴家- Robert Vernon曾評價,並對他演奏的帕格尼尼鐘錶⽰很⾼的讚賞,認為他的演奏充 滿激情、時刻綻放出⽕花。

他的⾳樂⾜跡遍佈全世界,曾在世界各地包括上海、台北、洛杉磯、紐約 舉辦多場個⼈獨奏⾳樂會。並受邀出席國內外頂尖⾳樂節包括,美國Music Academy of the West、⽇本太平洋國際藝術節、帕爾曼⾳樂節、上海我為中提狂、 Music@MenloSarasota⾳樂節、⽇本橫濱⼤師⾳樂節等。

2021年受邀出任台北歐洲學校指導⽼師,並在同年加入灣聲樂團擔任中提 琴助理⾸席。曾合作的樂團包括紐約室內樂團、布魯克林交響樂團等,並曾在2018 年受邀出任聯合國中提琴⾸席。在20152016年期間,與指揮⼤師瓦列裡-吉捷耶 夫(Valery Giegiev) 巡迴⽇本演出,擔任中提琴⾸席。

曾於多名世界級⼤師同台合作包括⼩提琴家Itzhak PerlmanLeonidas Kavakos、前紐約愛樂⾸席Glenn Dicterow、前紐約愛樂藝術總監Alan Gilbert、前維 也納愛樂⾸席Rainer Küchl、⼤都會歌劇⾸席David Chan︔中提琴家今井信⼦︔⼤ 提琴家Cellists Paul Ketz Ronald Leonard等。

鄭皓元1994年出⽣於台灣,6歲半開始學習⼩提琴。 2003遠赴上海師從著 名中提琴教授盛利,隔年考入上海⾳樂學院附⼩。 2007年以第⼀名的成績考入上 海⾳樂學院附中,成為第⼀位以中提琴專業考入上海⾳樂學院附中的台灣學⽣。

2010年畢業於上海⾳樂學院附中,赴美師從南加州⼤學中提琴教授Donald McInnes,並就讀於美國三⼤藝術⾼中之⼀的愛德華藝術⾼中。在Donlad McInnes 教授的悉⼼教育和嚴格訓練下,承襲了美國當代中提琴⼤師,William Primrose學派 的演奏技巧,使他的⾳⾊更具多層次的⾊彩和豐富的⾳域對比,並能深切地表現出 每⾸作品的情感氛圍,是⼀位極具富有才華與表現⼒的中提琴家。 在校期間曾贏 得協奏曲比賽⾦獎以及Yonng Arts比賽。

2014年四⽉,他以全額獎學⾦被曼哈頓⾳樂學院、朱莉亞⾳樂學院、新英格 蘭⾳樂學院三所美國頂級⾳樂學院共同錄取,他最終選擇了朱莉亞⾳樂學院,師從 著名中提琴教育家Heidi Castlemen以及中提琴演奏家Misha Amory,並於2020年取 得碩⼠⽂憑,師從紐約愛樂中提琴⾸席Cynthia Phelps。在校期間擔任朱莉亞管弦樂 團中提琴⾸席5年。 

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Howard Cheng is a highly acclaimed violist known for his passionate and dynamic performances. Recognized as one of the most virtuoso violists of his generation, he has captivated audiences with his gorgeous and finely detailed playing. Currently serving as a faculty member at the Taipei European School since 2021, Howard has an impressive orchestral background, having held positions such as Assistant Principal at the One Song Symphony Orchestra and Principal at the Taipei Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra.

Throughout his career, Howard has garnered numerous accolades, including winning the Young Arts Competition, Idyllwild Arts Academy Concerto Competition, and Eastern Music Festival Concerto Competition. His talent and dedication to his craft were evident from a young age when he performed La Campanella, renowned for being one of the most challenging and virtuosic viola repertoire, in his debut viola recital at the age of 13. He has since given solo recitals across the United States and has delighted audiences in North America and Asia with his public performances.

In addition to his remarkable performances, Howard is passionate about sharing his love for music. He has actively participated in outreach programs, bringing the joy of music to nursing homes, children's hospitals, and music programs nationwide. As a chamber musician, Howard has had the privilege of collaborating with esteemed artists such as violinists Glenn Dicterow, Leonidas Kavakos, and Itzhak Perlman, violist Nobuko Imai, cellists Paul Ketz and Ronald Leonard, and pianists Dmitry Masleev and Jonathan Kelly, among others. He has also received intensive chamber music training from members of the Takács Quartet, Cleveland Quartet, and Cavani Quartet.

Howard's talent has been showcased at renowned summer festivals, including Pacific Music Festival, Perlman Music Program, Viva La Viola's Young Artists Program, Shanghai Conservatory of Music Viola Festival, Music@Menlo, Eastern Music Festival, and Music Academy of the West. Notably, he served as the principal violist with the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra during their Japan tour in 2015 and 2016, performing under the baton of Maestro Valery Gergiev.

With his exceptional orchestral skills, Howard has held prominent positions such as Principal Viola with the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra, Idyllwild Arts Academy Orchestra, and the Juilliard Orchestra. He has also collaborated with orchestras like the Perlman String Chamber Orchestra, Music Academy Festival Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of New York, and Brooklyn Symphony Orchestra.

Howard's education is as impressive as his performances. He has studied at esteemed institutions such as Idyllwild Arts Academy, Shanghai Conservatory of Music, and The Juilliard School. His mentors include notable viola teachers such as Donald McInnes, Chen-hung Ho, Li Sheng, Xi-di Shen, Wing Ho, Cynthia Phelps, Robert Vernon, Jeffrey Irvine, Richard O'Neill, Karen Dreyfus, and Hsin-Yun Huang. Howard plays a viola crafted in 2010 by renowned Polish maker Bronek Cison.

In addition to his musical pursuits, Howard is dedicated to providing the best music education for the next generation. In 2019, he co-founded the Long Island Music Conservatory, a premier institution offering students of all ages the highest quality music education. With a world-class faculty, the conservatory is committed to providing a well-rounded music education that supports students' school music curriculum and prepares them for advanced musical opportunities, including competitive pre-college programs and university music admissions. Moreover, it fosters a lifelong love for music among its students.

Having graduated in 2020 with a Master's Degree, Howard Cheng continues to strive for musical excellence. He completed his studies under the guidance of Cynthia Phelps, Principal Viola of the New York Philharmonic, at the prestigious Juilliard School. As a testament to his talent and dedication, Howard was honored with the J. Landess Memorial Scholarship and the Victor Herbert Prize during his time at Juilliard. Now, he combines his passion for performing with a commitment to sharing his knowledge and love for music, inspiring the next generation of musicians.

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