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邱苡軒 Yi-Hsuan Chiu

Double Bass

低音提琴家邱苡軒於2020-22 任德國法蘭克福廣播交響樂團樂季實習團員,為該團首位具合約的女性低音提琴團員。 2021年取得德國薩爾高等音樂學院最高演奏文憑,並擁有紐約茱莉亞學院音樂演奏碩士(Kovner Fellowship)及學士學位。2013年獲國際低音提琴協會獨奏大賽第三名、全美弦樂教師協會獨奏大賽第一名以及波士頓交響樂團協奏曲比賽不分組第三名,並於2016年入選慕尼黑國際ARD音樂大賽。曾任德國Schleswig-Holstein 音樂節樂團聲部首席,及獲兩屆美國Aspen音樂節全獎Fellowship。2019 年於義大利Casalmaggiore 音樂節與胡乃元及Enrico Pace 等音樂家同台演出舒伯特鱒魚五重奏。2022-23 擔任衛武營主辦之《瘋迷24舒伯特》及《瘋迷24莫札特》室內樂系列低音提琴演奏家演出舒伯特八重奏、莫札特《華麗組曲》等經典曲目。2017起常任 Taiwan Connection 室內樂團聲部首席。現任灣聲樂團聲部首席以及高師大音樂系兼任助理教授。

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Taiwanese double bassist Yi-Hsuan Chiu is the first ever female Asian bassist to have won a contract position (Akademie 2020-22) with the renowned Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra (hr-Sinfonieorchester) in Germany. While performing as an orchestral player, Chiu received her Solo-Konzertexamen degree with Distinction from Hochschule für Musik Saar in 2021under the guidance of her mentors including Bogusław Furtok, Cristian Braica, and Alexis Scharff. In 2017, Chiu graduated from The Juilliard School in New York with a Bachelor of Music degree and in 2019 with a Master of Music degree as a proud recipient of Kovner Fellowship under the guidance of Prof. Albert Laszlo. She was a two-time Aspen Music Festival bass fellow playing with Aspen Chamber Symphony and was the principal bassist with Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival Orchestra in Germany. Chiu is currently the adjunct assistant professor at National Kaohsiung Normal University and the principal bassist with One Song Orchestra in Taipei, Taiwan.

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