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蔡寧謙 Eric Tsai


台美雙籍小提琴家蔡寧謙,曾於2019年獲得紐西蘭Michael Hill 國際大賽亞軍及室內樂特獎殊榮,並於2018年進入瑞士Menuhin國際大賽半決賽。2013年,蔡寧謙在紐約國際藝術協會比賽中奪得冠軍,並獲邀至紐約卡內基大廳演出。他同時參與甚多舉世聞名的音樂節,同時也跟多位大師一起合作。



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Taiwanese-American violinist Eric Tsai won the runner-up and chamber music special award at the Michael Hill International Competition in New Zealand in 2019, and entered the semi-finals of the Menuhin International Competition in Switzerland in 2018. In 2013, Eric Tsai won the championship in the competition of the New York International Art Association and was invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York. At the same time, he participated in many world-renowned music festivals, and also collaborated with many masters.

In 2022, Eric Tsai won the Chimei Art Award and received a scholarship sponsored by Chimei. In addition to being keen on solo violin, he also actively participates in chamber music performances. In 2020-2021, Eric Tsai will not be hit by the epidemic, and will still hold many chamber music concerts and recitals across Taiwan. At the same time, he also loves violin teaching. He currently has 19 students in New York, has a personal music education class, and often holds master classes and annual concerts. As a violinist, Eric Tsai has been active in various famous concert halls in the world in recent years, and his tour has traveled all over the world.

Eric Tsai received a bachelor's degree from the Curtis Institute of Music in the United States in 2020, and is currently studying for a master's degree at the Juilliard School in New York.

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