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簡荿玄 Janet Chien




十歲起隨張寬容教授習琴,十五歲以教育部資賦優異生資格赴美,進入茱麗亞音樂院,師事大師Harvey Shapiro,以特優成績在四年內跳級取得碩士文憑。1990年起與小提琴家凃鳳玹(朱貴珠)合創鳳絃樂集(原丹楓樂集),邀約國內外一流音樂家合作室內樂,並數度舉辦『堤剛大師大提琴音樂節』,激活國內大提琴演奏風氣。2004~2007首創於國家兩廳院製作演出專為學齡前兒童設計之「魔法DoReMi」親子音樂會,創下連續數十場票房全滿的紀錄。2017年參與策劃台北市國中育藝深遠計劃之並擔任音樂總監。

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Trained in the world-famous Juilliard School, cellist Janet Chien has been the solo principal cello of Taipei Symphony Orchestra since 1989.  From 2005~2013 she was resident Artist of the Kirishima International Music Festival.  Besides being a performer, her talent also shines in her ingenious music programing, producing many concerts ranging from pre-school to cross-genre with critical acclaim.

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