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洪莉玲 Lillian Hung


出生於台灣高雄市. 生長於音樂家族環境之中, 自幼喜愛音樂, 三歲開始與母親學習鋼琴,七歲開始與姑姑學習小提琴, 十一歲學習中提琴. 畢業於高雄中學音樂班後, 於1995年以優異的成績, 同時考取茱莉亞音樂學院,新英格蘭音樂院以及台灣國立藝術學院. 並獲得獎學金前往就讀茱莉亞音樂院; 於1999年獲獎學金於耶魯大學音樂取得碩士學位. 2001年受邀回台灣任教於國立台東師範學院及多所國小,國中及高中音樂班.期間也參與許多音樂演出活動, 發表個人獨奏會. 並於2003年受邀新興國中青少年管弦樂團於高雄中正文化中心演出中提琴協奏曲, 隨後移居紐約,並擔任紐約幼獅青少年管弦樂團的弦樂指導老師, 於2004年與幼獅青少年交響樂團演出中提琴協奏曲.


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Born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, violist Li-Ling Lillian Hung started her distinguished studies of piano at the age of three, violin at the age of seven and viola at the age of eleven.

Throughout her academic years, she studied with various famous violists, such as Mr. Eugene Becker, the former viola principal of New York Philharmonic, and Mr. Kin-Fung Leung, the associate violin principal of Hong Kong Philharmonic.

Ms. Hung completed her Bachelor's Degree in Viola Performance from the Juilliard School in 1999 and her Master's Degree from the Yale School of Music in 2001. She has performed in various recitals and chamber music concerts in Kaohsiung Cultural Center in Taiwan, Paul Recital Hall in New York, and Sprague Hall at Yale University. In spring 2003, she received an invitation to play the Viola Concerto as the soloist with the Kaohsiung Youth Orchestra at Kaohsiung Cultural Center. She also played the viola concerto with CYCNY Youth Orchestra in 2004.

Ms. Hung joined the string faculty of CYCNY Youth Orchestra in 2003 and she currently teaches Viola, Violin and Piano at her own music studio and at New Song Studio in Queens.

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