叢培娣 Ingrid Peitee Tsung
美國茱莉亞音樂院(Julliard School of Music)鋼琴碩士、哥倫比亞大學(Columbia University)博士。由杜瓊英、陳郁秀老師啟蒙,13歲以資賦優異赴美深造,15歲以獨奏家的身分受邀與夏威夷交響樂團合作演出巴赫d小調鋼琴協奏曲。
赴美求學期間分別以全額獎學金就學於歐柏林學院(Oberlin College and Conservatory)及畢柏(Bibo)獎學金進入茱莉亞音樂院,1987年更以優秀的成績獲得獎學金進入哥倫比亞大學,在校期間同時擔任鋼琴助教的教學工作;旅美期間隨朱利安.馬丁(Julian Martin)、羅博.夏儂(Robert Shanon)、赫柏特.史泰森(Herbert Stessin)及馬丁.康尼(Martin Canin)等國際知名音樂家學琴;並隨珍.卡爾森(Jane Carlson)、史蒂芬.克萊(Stephen Clapp)、葛雷葛利.富可森(Gregory Fulkerson)、茱麗安.馬丁(Julian Martin)與羅博.夏儂(Robert Shanon)等教授修習室內樂課程。
叢培娣的演奏實力亦備受肯定。自大學時代起,各方之演出邀約不斷,經常於檀香山、舊金山、俄亥俄、紐約等各大城市舉行獨奏會、雙鋼琴演奏會、室內樂音樂會等,並多次與檀香山交響樂團合作演出協奏曲,其精采的表現受到各方人士的讚賞,並給予其極高的評價。羅博.夏儂教授曾稱讚她擁有與生俱來的音樂天份。旅美期間亦榮獲多項鋼琴比賽首獎,如國際才藝青年鋼琴比賽、兩屆檀香山交響樂團鋼琴協奏曲比賽和歐柏林大學鋼琴協奏曲比賽的優勝。而她自大學起便相當熱衷於雙鋼琴的演出,其與搭檔日裔鋼琴家湯淺佳子的完美組合持續了十年之久,歐柏林的師長同學們甚至給她們《Dynamic Duo》的稱號。
返臺後,於1992年獲頒文藝獎章殊榮,1994年組成「蔡佩真.叢培娣鋼琴二重奏」、「The Julliard Piano Ensemble」,多次在臺北國家音樂廳及全國各地巡迴演出,2002年受邀參與台北Jazz音樂節,2024年5月將於臺北國家音樂廳及高雄衛武營等地巡迴演出。叢培娣目前專任服務於東吳大學音樂學系,並兼任學系主任。除了教學及演奏之外,亦受邀擔任各級鋼琴比賽之評審,並致力推廣樂教育。近年來應功學社之邀,擔任多場音樂講座之演講人,主題為「從人體工學角度探討鋼琴演奏」及「如何使上台的演奏更加完美」。
Dr. Ingrid Peitee Tsung is a pianist and a captivating performer in both solo and piano duo settings. A Master’s degree in piano performance from the renowned Juilliard School and a Doctorate from Columbia University, solidifying her exceptional musical education and commitment to artistic excellence.
From a young age, she displayed outstanding talents. At the age of 13 she went to the United States for further studies. At 15, she made her debut with the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra, showcasing her exceptional skill and earning high praise from critics and fellow musicians. Throughout her career, she has performed in solo recitals, duo recitals and chamber concerts in major cities across the United States.
After returning to Taiwan, she was awarded the Literary Medal in 1992, In addition to her solo endeavors, she has also forged a remarkable career as part of “The Juilliard Piano Ensemble” with pianist Amy Tsai. They have collaborated with esteemed Artists from Taiwan and they have been honored to perform extensively throughout the country. In addition to their classical repertoire, Ingrid Tsung and Amy Tsai have also demonstrated versatility by exploring the world of jazz. Their participation in Jazz festivals has showcased their ability to perform diverse musical genres.
In addition to performing, Ingrid Tsung is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of musicians. She has shared her knowledge and passion through lectures, master classes and workshops. She is also invited to serve as the judge of pianos competitions in Taiwan. She is now a full- time associate professor of piano performance and chairperson of the music department at Soochow University in Taipei.