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陳泰成 Taicheng Chen


「具有高度的音樂性及清晰的個人風格,他的演奏帶給我極大的喜悅。」 多年前,當代德國鋼琴大師Wilhelm Kempff 即對鋼琴家陳泰成的琴藝倍加讚賞。陳泰成是台灣出生早期留歐之鋼琴演奏家,也是我國第一位獲得國立維也納音樂學院「鋼琴演奏家文憑」的人;後轉往美國,復為國人第一位獲得紐約茱麗亞學院音樂藝術博士者,曾在維也納及紐約國際大賽中得獎,他的演奏並經由電視向世界各地轉播。


十五歲,考入國立維也納音樂學院,未滿二十歲便在全體評審一致給予「最優異演奏」之殊榮下畢業於該校,並受頒奧地利教育部之獎狀。在這群英匯集之地,他以驚人的實力嶄露頭角,先後獲得「史蒂潘諾夫」、「維也納國際音樂節」比賽大獎。 維也納名師Bruno Seidlhofer 稱其為:「我最好的學生之一。」,並形容他:「具有高度的天份:即燦爛的技巧及優異的音樂性。他明智、生動的彈奏交織著精緻微妙的觸鍵,使他的詮釋深具滲透力;尤其他對風格之深刻感受力,更使他將這些優點適切地發揮出來。」 的確,要在音樂上兼俱技巧、音樂性、敏銳的聽覺及清晰的風格是非常難能可貴的,無怪乎維也納新聞報評論其演奏:「清新、扣人心絃而生動的演出,從他彈第一個音起,就令人側耳傾聽。」




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“--- highly musical and clearly constructed playing, exhibiting a distinctive personality---”

Maestro Wilhelm Kempff

“--- combines technical fluency with a propulsive drive ---”

The New York Times

“--- pricks up one’s ears from the very first note--- through his vigorous, lively and vivacious playing---”

Die Wiener Presse

A native of Taiwan, Dr. Taicheng Chen discovered a lifelong passion for piano at age of six; by the time he was nine, he had won his first piano competition in Taipei.  Within the next two years, he won a national Taiwanese piano competition and performed Mozart’s piano concerto with the Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. At the age of fifteen, he moved to Austria to pursue his dreams and attend the Vienna Musikhochschule. At age nineteen he took first prize in the school’s internal piano competition while completing its rigorous Concert Artist program and was subsequently bestowed with the school’s highest honor of Unanimous Distinction upon graduation. The following year, in a globally televised performance, he won the prestigious Vienna International Music Festival Competition.

Thereafter, Dr. Chen moved to New York to attend The Juilliard School.  While attending Juilliard, he earned the Gina Bachauer Scholarship Award and the honor of performing Bartok’s Third Piano Concerto with the Juilliard Philharmonic Orchestra. Upon earning both a Master and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from The Juilliard School, he returned to Taiwan to teach at Taipei National University of the Arts.

Dr. Chen has performed internationally to noted acclaim at renowned venues including Lincoln Center and Carnegie Recital Hall in New York as well as the Grosser Musikverein Saal in Vienna.  As Professor of Music, Dr. Chen has inspired generations of students, many of whom have gone on to win national and international competitions. Dr. Chen has given master classes and lectures at Hanoi and Xiamen Piano Festivals as well as China, Taiwan, Canada and the USA. Dr. Chen now resides in Spain.

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