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陳宜蓁 I-Chen Chen


曾被紐約音樂節目製作人 Paula Poulafearh 譽為「一位擁有漂亮清澈的音色與技巧,對於鋼琴音樂有深度詮釋的年輕鋼家」的陳宜蓁,出生於台灣高雄,從小就展露過人的音樂才華。八歲開始登台,十一歲開始與樂團合作協奏曲,合作過的音樂家包括著名指揮家 James Sadewhite、Stephen Moshman、Jonathan Strasser、鋼琴大師 Albert Lotto、法國國家廣播愛樂交響樂團長笛首席Thomas Prévost、法國國家交響樂團大提琴首席Raphaël Perraud、豎笛演奏家Esther Lamneck、作曲家 Barbara Jazwinski等。2004和2005年於Manhattan Classical Opera and Concert Series音樂電視節目中演出六集。

在台灣求學期間獲得台灣全國音樂比賽鋼琴國中組冠軍,以及台北市立交響樂團協奏曲比賽冠軍。高中畢業後赴美求學,先後在茱莉亞音樂學院取得學士與碩士學位,並在2005年獲得紐約大學(NYU)音樂演奏哲學博士學位(PhD),受教於著名鋼琴教授 Martin Canin和二十世紀鋼琴大師Sashay Gorodnitzki之嫡傳弟子Miyoko Lotto教授。在美期間曾入選茱莉亞音樂院協奏曲比賽和華盛頓國際鋼琴大賽,Five Towns國際鋼琴比賽獲得第三名,以及Summit音樂節協奏曲比賽冠軍等。在紐約大學求學時獲得該校協奏曲比賽冠軍,並在2004年獲選為紐約大學傑出鋼琴演奏成就獎。

旅居美國期間任教於紐約大學音樂系和Concordia 大學音樂學院,現為國立台南藝術大學音樂系和國立中山大學音樂系兼任助理教授。 曾受邀擔任台灣奇美博物館名琴數位典藏計畫鋼琴家,並獲邀至中國上海舉行演奏會並講授大師班。2015年夏天擔任美國Summit音樂節鋼琴教授,並開始在國內舉辦單一作曲家之鋼琴獨奏會,如2015年“唯一,蕭邦”及2018年“唯一,李斯特”。曾受邀至日本東京秋川音樂節演出獨奏會,並舉辦茱莉亞音樂院校友音樂會,2019年與波蘭國際蕭邦青少年大賽得奬者的女兒莊以忻於衛武營合辦鋼琴獨奏會。2021年受南台灣室內樂協會之邀於衛武營表演廳以弦樂五重奏方式演出貝多芬第一號鋼琴協奏曲。2022年2月於衛武營“瘋迷24舒伯特”24小時系列音樂會中擔任獨奏,演奏舒伯特c小調鋼琴奏鳴曲;今年2月再度參與衛武營“瘋迷24莫札特”24小時系列音樂會,演奏莫札特第十八號鋼琴奏鳴曲以及雙鋼琴奏鳴曲。

除了豐富的演奏經歷,更致力於教育國內新一代的音樂學子,在國內和國際比賽中表現優異,獲得佳績。此外,在學術研究領域上專研十九世紀的鋼琴音樂與文學,2009年受德國VDM出版社之邀,出版“Narrative in the Ballades of Fryderyk Chopin”一書。2021年12月由亞神唱片發行首張個人演奏專輯:最後的綻放—蕭邦,最後的歲月。

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“A young pianist with highly professional, intelligent, and spirited renditions of a wide range of music”, quoted by producer Paula Poulafearh’s comment in her TV program, I-Chen Chen has a successful career as a solo pianist, chamber musician, educator, and scholar. Starting her performing career at the age of eight, she has focused on making beautiful singing tone of the piano and expressing the masterful and soulful interpretation of the music. She has toured in Taipei, China, Sarasota, Chicago, and the Lincoln Center in New York, as soloist with Summit Symphony Orchestra, Albert Einstein Symphony Orchestra, Taipei Symphony Orchestra, and National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Her performances have been aired in the Manhattan Classical Opera and Concert Series by Manhattan Neighborhood Network on TV. She has also cooperated with such artists as pianist Albert Lotto, conductors James Sadewhite and Jonathan Strasser, principle flutist of Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France Thomas Prévost, principle cellist of Orchestre National de France Raphaël Perraud, clarinetist Esther Lamneck, and composer Barbara Jazwinski.

Dr. Chen garnered first prizes in the Taiwan National Piano Competition, the Concerto Competition of Taipei Symphony Orchestra, the Concerto Competition at Summit Music Festival, and the Steinhardt Concerto Competition in New York University, and was also a prizewinner in the Washington International Piano Competition and Five Towns Piano Competition. She was a recipient of M. Munz Scholarship at the Juilliard School, and the award of Outstanding Leadership in Graduate Piano Performance of New York University.

Receiving her Bachelor and Master degrees from the Juilliard School, and the PhD degree from New York University, Dr. Chen studied the piano with Martin Canin, Miyoko and Albert Lotto. Her research interest includes 19 th century piano literature, especially Chopin’s piano works. In 2009, Chen’s book Narrative in the Ballades of Fryderyk Chopin was published by VDM. Formally teaching at New York University and Concordia College, Dr. Chen is Assistant Professor of Tainan National University of the Arts and National Sun Yat-sen University in Taiwan. In summer 2015, Dr. Chen became the piano faculty of Summit Music Festival in New York. Her piano album “The Last Bloom: Chopin, Last Years in Paris” has been released in 2022.

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