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鄭怡君 Jeannie Cheng


鋼琴家鄭怡君,出生於台北。自幼就讀光仁小、中學, 14歲至紐約成為茱麗亞人,之後分別取得茱麗亞音樂學院學士及碩士學位。近年來在國內外各地演奏,廣受好評。1995年創辦「菁英室內樂集」, 2007年起即為「菁英室內樂集鋼琴三重奏」原始成員,並以不同型態的演出活躍於台灣樂壇。專業工作之餘,鄭怡君更將對慈善及文化的熱誠化為行動,曾任兒童慈善協會理事長並持續擔任協會理事及榮星文教基金會董事,繼續地為台灣社會盡一份力量。目前任職於國立台灣師範大學,東吳大學音樂系副教授。

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Pianist Jeannie Cheng was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She began her Juilliard journey at the age of 14 with the pre college division, and later on obtained her Bachelor and Master of Music from Juilliard. Ms. Cheng has performed and well received in Americas, Europe and Asia throughout her career. She is the founder of Elite Chamber Ensemble and Elite Piano Trio which  have premiered extensive chamber music works in Taiwan. Ms. Cheng also holds teaching posts as Associate Professor at both National Taiwan Normal University and Soo Chow University.  Aside from her professional life, Ms. Cheng is the former Chair Person and current board member of Children Charity Association and board member of Rong Shing Cultural Foundation in Taiwan.

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