蔡雨頻 Yu Ping Tsai
旅美小提琴家蔡雨頻, 畢業於中興國中以及武陵高中。2019年赴美進修, 目前即將畢業於茱莉亞音樂學院的學士學位,並且正與林以信老師 (Mr. Joseph Lin)學習。雨頻將會在今年秋天開始攻讀碩士學位於洛杉磯的柯爾本音樂院,並且將與羅伯特利普賽特老師 (Mr. Robert Lipsett)學習。在台灣學習期間師從陳沁紅教授、楊欣瑜老師、謝宓臻老師、路耀祖教授、王彥驊老師、以及王思穎教授。
雨頻一直積極參加各種音樂節和比賽。於2023年, 雨頻為台灣第35屆奇美藝術獎得主之一。她將獲得全額獎學金回到雅思本音樂節 (The Aspen Music Festival),她將與溫克勒老師 (Ms. Winkler) 學習。 2022年,雨頻獲得Amadeus國際音樂大獎金獎,同年獲得新加坡萊佛士國際音樂節金獎。 2022年夏天,雨頻以全額獎學金的形式參加了雅思本音樂節 ,師從羅伯特利普賽特老師 (Mr. Robert Lipsett) 和茱莉亞音樂院教授川崎雅夫 (Mr. Masao
於2021年,雨頻在台北誠品音樂廳舉辦獨奏會,並於台灣國家音樂廳與台灣弦樂團合作演出。 2021年暑期再次參加西部音樂學院音樂節( Music Academy of the West),為西部音樂學院樂團小提琴首席之一。她師從 Ms. Winkler、Mr. Beaver、Mr. Dicterow和 Ms. Fleezanis。
於2020年, 雨頻獲得台灣李淑徳小提琴比賽第一名。 2020 年夏天,她參加了位於加利福尼亞州聖巴巴拉的西部音樂學院音樂節。在西部音樂學院音樂節學習之間,被獲選進入了 William Hymanson 首席小提琴計劃,並獲得了 2020 年以 William Hymanson之名的全額獎學金。
2019年,雨頻參加了加州阿瑟頓的Music@Menlo,師從Mr. Dmitri Atapine, Ms. Kristin Lee, Mr. James Thompson, Ms. Hsin-Yun Huang, Ms. Jessica Lee, Ms. Hyeyeon Park, Mr. Soovin Kim和Ms.Chien。
2017年,雨頻獲得台灣弦樂團小提琴比賽第三名。 2017年底,雨頻作為優勝者受邀在CGIMF(清邁吉納斯特拉國際音樂節暨比賽)與指揮家柴普拉克·梅卡拉及清邁交響樂團在泰國清邁交響樂團合作演出門德爾松小提琴協奏。此外,2017年,雨頻還首次在台灣國家音樂廳與台灣弦樂團合作,並在台國家演奏廳以及國家音樂廳舉辦了獨奏會和聯合音樂
會。此外,雨頻曾就讀於海菲茨國際音樂學院 (Heifetz International Music lnstitute),師從丹尼爾·菲利普斯老師 (Mr. Phillips), 、布賴恩·劉易斯 (Mr. Lewis) , 以及哈蓋·沙漢姆(Mr.
2016年,雨頻獲得桃園武陵高中協奏曲比賽冠軍。同年,雨頻在台灣全國學生音樂比賽中獲得第一名,並在清邁Ginastera國際音樂比賽暨節中獲得冠軍。 於2016年夏天, 雨頻參加歐洲音樂節和學院,師從Mr. Turban老師和Mr. Koeckert老師。

Yu-Ping is a Taiwanese violinist who recently graduated from The Juilliard School with a Bachelor’s of Music, and under the guidance of Mr. Joseph Lin. She will be pursuing her Masters degree at Colburn starting fall of 2023. Her former teachers include Professor Chinn-Horng Nanette Chen, Ms. Hsin-Yu Yang, Ms. Mi-Chen Hsieh, Professor Yao-Tsu Lu, Mr. Yen-Hua David Wang and Professor Szu-Ying Wang.
Yu-Ping has been participating in various music programs and competitions.
In 2023, she was one of the winners of the 35th Chimei Arts Award in Taiwan. She is going back to The Aspen Music Festival as a fellow of the New Horizon fellowship, and she will be studying with Ms. Winkler.
In 2022, Yu-Ping won the gold prize in Amadeus International Music Awards, in the same year, she won the gold prize in Singapore Raffles International Music Festival.
In the summer of 2022, Yu-Ping participated in The Aspen Music Festival as a fellow with a full scholarship, and she studied with Mr. Robert Lipsett and Mr. Masao Kawasaki. In the same year, Yu-Ping went on a tour in Germany with Taiwan Camerata, traveling to Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg. In 2021, Yu-Ping gave a recital in Eslite Performance Hall, Taipei, Taiwan, and also performed with Academy of Taiwan Strings at Taiwan National Concert Hall. In the summer of 2021, she participated in Music Academy of the West, and was one of the concertmasters of Music Academy of the West Orchestra. She studied with Miss Kathleen Winkler, Mr. Martin Beaver, Mr. Glenn Dicterow, and Miss Jorja Fleezanis.
In 2020, Yu-Ping won First place in the Shu-Te Sylvia Lee Violin Competition in Taiwan.
In the summer of 2020, she participated in Music Academy of the West (remote learning) based in Santa Barbara, California. She participated in the William Hymanson Concertmaster Program, and received the 2020 William Hymanson Endowed Full Scholarship.
In 2019, Yu-Ping participated in Music@Menlo based in Atherton, California, where she studied with Mr. Dmitri Atapine, Miss Kristin Lee, Mr. James Thompson, Miss Hsin-Yun Huang, Miss Jessica Lee, Miss Hyeyeon Park, Mr. Soovin Kim, and Miss Gloria Chien.
In 2017, Yu-Ping won third place in the Academy of Taiwan Violin Competition.
In the end of 2017, Yu-Ping was invited by CGIMF (Chiang Mai Ginastera International Music Festival & Competition) as the winner to perform Mendelssohn Violin concerto, Op.64 with conductor Chaipruck Mekara and Chiang Mai Symphony Orchestra in Kad Suan Kaew in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Additionally, in 2017, Yu-Ping also made her debut with Academy of Taiwan Strings at Taiwan National Concert Hall, and gave a recital at Taoyuan Concert Hall in Taiwan.
Moreover, Yu-Ping participated in the Heifetz International Music Institute and she was taught by Mr. Daniel Phillips, Mr. Brian Lewis and Mr. Hagai Shaham.
In 2016, Yu-Ping won the Wu-Ling Concerto Competition, Taoyuan, Taiwan. In the same
year, Yu-Ping won First prize in Taiwan National Student Competition of Music, and also won the First prize in the Chiang Mai Ginastera International Music Competition and Festival. In the summer of 2016, she participated in the Euro Music Festival and Academy where she was taught by Mr. Ingolf Turban and Mr. Nicolas Koeckert. In 2014, Yu-Ping won the Golden prize in the New York International Music Competition & Festival.