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徐升晴 Sheng-Ching Hsu



升晴的舞台擴及全世界。她曾在美國紐約林肯中心,卡內基音樂廳,洛杉磯迪士尼音樂廳,智利聖地牙哥文化中心,以及荷蘭阿爾克馬爾Remonstrantse教堂等舞台演出。並於Holland America Line 的 ms Koningsdam 遊輪參與與紐約林肯中心合作的最新音樂會系列 ”Lincoln Center Stage”。升晴為Delirium Musicum,新亞室內樂協會,及California Symphony的成員,並擔任St. Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Santa Monica, Queesnsboro Symphony Orchestra及曼哈頓交響樂團首席。升晴也極力投入教學工作,在學期間擔任Stony Brook University的室內樂老師。升晴目前為加利福尼亞州立大學長灘學院Bob Cole Conservatory助理教授,並任教於洛杉磯柯爾本社區音樂學院。

深信音樂有帶給人們希望的力量,在疫情期間,升晴發起”S-C Sidewalk Performance”, 每個禮拜於西洛杉磯的街角拉琴演奏,維期一年多。她的音樂為許多人帶來感動及安慰,也吸引KTTV Fox 11 Los Angeles來採訪。

除了是小提琴家,升晴也是編曲家。她的編曲廣泛,作品包括古典音樂,電影配樂,台灣民謠,流行音樂以及教會音樂。近期為新亞室內樂團編曲美國國歌,此編曲連續兩年在紐約尼克隊的農曆新年比賽演出。升晴的編曲作品曾在紐約時尚週以及時代廣場快閃音樂會等活動演出,演奏她作品的樂團包括Delirium Musicum, Amphion String Quartet, Lincoln Center Stage Quintet, 新亞室內協會以及曼哈頓交響樂團。

畢業於台南市立永福國小音樂班,台南市立大成國中音樂班,就讀國立台南女中音樂班二年後考取紐約茱莉亞音樂學院先修班,即赴美就讀。在台期間小提琴師事王麗雯,王怡蓁,陳鈺雯。鋼琴師事許郁萍,黃海蓉,徐瑞穗及黃婉玲。升晴於紐約曼尼斯音樂學院獲學士學位,於紐約茱莉亞音樂學院獲碩士學位,於紐約州立大學石溪分校演奏博士。出國學琴期間主要師事 Catherine Cho, Christina Khimm, Itzhak Perlman, Aaron Rosand, Philip Setzer。升晴特別感謝台灣奇美文化基金會對她求學生涯的支持。(

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A native of Taiwan, Sheng-Ching Hsu was six years old when she made her first public appearance as both violinist and pianist at the National Cheng- Kung University, Taiwan. She has performed in venues such as Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Lincoln Center Stage on Holland America Line, Walt Disney Hall, Teatro Municipal de Santiago (Chile), Remonstrantse Kerk in Alkmaar (The Netherlands), Théâtre de l’Île- Saint-Louis (Paris), and National Recital Hall (Taiwan), among others.

A firm believer in the power of music, Sheng-Ching created “S-C Sidewalk Performance” where she brought live music to the street corners of West LA during the pandemic. “S-C Sidewalk Performance” brought comfort and hope to many people during the time of isolation, and was featured on KTTV Fox 11 Los Angeles.

Sheng-Ching plays with Delirium Musicum, Concerts for Hope, New Asia Chamber Music Society, Landmark Quartet, as well as Concerts on the Slope, in which many of her performances were featured on WWFM Classical, NY. She is a member of California Symphony, and has served as principal violinist of St. Matthew’s Chamber Orchestra, Orchestra Santa Monica, Queensboro Symphony Orchestra, Atlantic Festival Orchestra and Manhattan Symphonie Orchestra. Her other orchestral experiences include Pacific Symphony, Corona Symphony, Tainan City Orchestra and the ChiMei Orchestra. Sheng-Ching has given solo recitals in Europe, North America, South America and Asia, and has performed with Ensemble 212 and Old York Road Symphony as a soloist. Her interest in the impact of music on motion picture led Sheng- Ching to perform in the debut of “BBC Frozen Planet Live,” scored by award-winning composer George Fenton. In addition to her busy performing schedule, she serves on the violin faculty at Bob Cole Conservatory of Music at California State University, Long Beach.

When not playing or teaching violin, Sheng-Ching is also a sought-after music arranger. Her latest commissions include the National Anthem for the New York Knicks’ Lunar New Year Game in Madison Square Garden. She arranges a wide variety of music, and has worked with ensembles such as the New Asia Chamber Music Society, Delirium Musicum, the Amphion String Quartet, the Lincoln Center Stage Quintet and the Manhattan Symphonie Orchestra. Her arrangements have been performed at Madison Square Garden, New York Fashion Week, Times Square Flash Mob, and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall.

Sheng-Ching earned her Bachelor of Music Degree from the Mannes School of Music, Master’s Degree from The Juilliard School, and Doctor of Musical Arts from SUNY Stony Brook University.

Her major teachers are Catherine Cho, Christina Khimm, Itzhak Perlman, Aaron Rosand, and Philip Setzer.

Sheng-Ching’s instruments were generously sponsored by CHIMEI foundation in Taiwan throughout her studies. (

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